Vi er i Somalia

Vi er i Somalia

Stability is needed to improve life for families

Waiting for treatment - photo: H. Atkins
Children can grow up in the safety of the SOS Children's Village in Mogadishu  (photo: SOS archives)

Somalia used to be one of Africa’s most prosperous and thriving commercial centres, but years of civil war turned it into one of the world’s poorest and most violent countries. In addition to the fighting, famine and diseases shattered social structures and claimed hundreds of thousands lives.

The country had been without an effective government and international efforts aimed at building a stable Somali administration have been unsuccessful.There was great hope, therefore, when in September 2012, 275 members were sworn into Somalia’s first parliament in over 20 years. However, in spite of the new government’s best efforts, the country continues to face many challenges. According to the 2013 Ibrahim Index of African Governance, Somalia is the lowest scoring country in Africa in the four categories assessed: safety and rule of law; participation and human rights; sustainable economic development; and human development.

Somalia – a precarious place to live

Children's lives have been damaged by insecurity

At the kindergarten - photo: SOS Archives
At the kindergarten  (photo: SOS Archives)

SOS Children's Villages in Somalia

SOS Children's Villages Somalia
Wadajir District, Off Airport Road
Bulo Hubey P.O Box 599
Mogadishu, Somalia.

Villages in Somalia

  1. Mogadishu