Vi er i Belarus

Vi er i Belarus

Some facts about Belarus 

Family life in SOS Children's Village Borovljany - photo: Marko Mägi
Family life in SOS Children's Village Borovljany – photo: Marko Mägi

Belarus is located in Eastern Europe and borders Lithuania and Latvia in the north-west, Russia in the east, Ukraine in the south and Poland in the west.
The population is 9.6 million (July 2011est.), of which nearly four fifths are Belorussian, 13 per cent are Russian and four per cent are Polish.

As a result of its close ties- both historical and present – with Russia, the country has two official languages: Belorussian and Russian. Belarus is a predominantly urban country with three quarters of the population residing in urban areas; Minsk, the capital city, is home to 1.8 million inhabitants.

Much of Belarus was destroyed during the Second World War and a quarter of the country’s population died. The first post-war Five-Year Plan repaired a lot of the war damage, and Minsk developed into the industrial hub of the USSR. Since 1986 Belarus has been badly affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power accident. Two thirds of the contamination fell on Belarussian territory and around one-fifth of the country was seriously contaminated. The nuclear explosion also affected political opinion, which turned against continued membership of the USSR. On 25 August 1991, the Communist Party issued a declaration of full national independence, but Belarus has maintained close political and economic ties to Moscow. Alexander Lukashenko was elected in the first presidential elections, and has remained in power since.

Limited economic reforms

Situation of the children in Belarus

Creating a piece of art, SOS Children's Village Borovljany - photo: Benno Neeleman
Creating a piece of art, SOS Children's Village Borovljany – photo: Benno Neeleman

The recent social changes have affected family life and the lives of children.

According to UNICEF, five per cent of children under the age of 14 are forced to work, and a high percentage is also forced into marriage before they reach adulthood. Roma children, who tend to speak Romani and Belorussian are disadvantaged in an educational system which also uses Russian as the language of instruction.

Human trafficking affects children; the country is a source and transit point for girls forced to work in prostitution in Central and Western Europe. An increasing number of children are reported to be involved in child prostitution within Belarus itself.

Children who are most at risk of losing parental care are those with special needs and those who have been subject to abuse. Although more work is being done to support children within the family setting, institutionalisation remains the most common outcome in cases where children need protection.

SOS Children's Villages in Belarus

Website of SOS Children's Villages Belarus
(available in Russian)

Villages in Belarus

  1. Borovljany
  2. Marina Gorka
  3. Mogilev