Vi er i Congo, Democratic Republic

Vi er i Congo, Democratic Republic

Rich in natural resources but lacking stability

SOS Children's Villages provides education to children who would otherwise not have access to it. (photo: SOS archives)
SOS Children's Villages provides education to children who would otherwise not have access to it. (photo: SOS archives)
The Democratic Republic of the Congo  was established as a Belgian colony in 1908. In June 1960, the DRC achieved independence from Belgium. Since then, the country has been marked by a history of war and corruption.

Joseph Mobutu seized power in a military coup in 1965 and changed the country's name from "Republic of the Congo" to Zaire. In 1997, Mobutu's regime was overthrown by a rebellion and the country's name was changed again – this time to "Democratic Republic of the Congo". The DRC has remained politically unstable, as conflict and human rights abuses continue.The DRC is home to an estimated 71 million people. Although rich in natural resources, the Congolese people are among the poorest in Africa. According to estimates, millions have died either directly or indirectly as a result of the on-going conflict.

Violence does not abate: thousands of civilians tortured, murdered and displaced


Children in urgent need of protection

 Thousands of Congolese families have been separated as a result of the armed conflict. The DRC is also a source and destination country for children subjected to forced labour and commercial sex work. There have been reports about Congolese girls who are forcibly prostituted in tent- or hut-based brothels.Under-five-mortality rates are extremely high at 199 per 1,000 live births, and malnutrition is one of the leading causes of the high rate of child deaths.

Lack of knowledge, the poor health system, and the lack of medical staff, infrastructure and equipment further worsens living conditions. The physical and mental development of a child is often seriously impaired by chronic undernourishment.

SOS Children's Villages in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Villages in Congo, Democratic Republic

  1. Bukavu
  2. Kinshasa
  3. Uvira