
Algeria is known as the gateway between continental Europe and Africa. Despite the discovery of large oil and gas reserves, vast parts of Algeria are deeply immersed in poverty. In Algiers, thousands of street children are struggling to survive without any support from their families. 

SOS Children's Villages International has ceased its activities in Algeria until further notice. 

However, until end of 2022, the organization had been reaching out to the country's young people and children in order to support and protect them.

Returning home from SOS Kindergarten Draria - photo: S. Houalet

Returning home from SOS Kindergarten Draria -photo: Sandrine Houalet

Algeria is a country located in the Maghreb region of Northern Africa. It shares borders with Libya, Niger, Mali, Mauretania and Morocco. The Sahara desert covers more than four fifths of its territory. The country is home to 34 million people, who predominantly live along the northern coast where the capital, Algiers, is situated.

Over one million lost their lives in their fight for independence from France in 1962. For many years, Algeria was marked by political instability. Following the general elections in 1992, a disastrous civil war erupted in which more than 150,000 were killed. Over recent years, terrorists have been involved in a number of kidnappings and bombings.

Although the country's economy has recently seen an upswing, the vast majority of Algerians remain poor. Unemployment is particularly high among the youngest segment of population.

Situation of the people

Poverty is still widespread in present-day Algeria. More than 50 per cent of the country's rural population live below the national poverty line, as unemployment remains particularly high in rural areas. Several years of internal conflict further deepened poverty in rural Algeria. Poverty translates into a lack of access to decent housing, sanitation facilities, education and medical infrastructure for hundreds of thousands who are struggling on the bottom steps of the socioeconomic ladder. Poor standards in public services continue to spark popular dissatisfaction. Although not to the same extent, the precarious socioeconomic situation also affects a significant portion of the country's urban population.

Algeria has been known for being a transit, destination and source country of forced labour and human trafficking. In most cases, Sub-Saharan Africans enter Algeria with the assistance of smugglers in order to continue their journey to the shores of Europe. The majority of these people live in unimaginably precarious conditions. According to a number of reports, the problem of human trafficking will continue to grow as Europe has further tightened its borders.

Despite a number of improvements over recent years, the human rights situation in Algeria remains subject to criticism. Freedom of the press is still limited and the situation of women in the country has been an issue of concern. The Algerian "Family Code" has been criticised by numerous human rights organisations as it profoundly constrains women's rights. In rural areas, underage marriage is common, though not legal, and guardianship rules for women who want to marry remain strict.

Speech therapy in SOS Children's Village Draria - photo: S. Houalet

Speech therapy in SOS Children's Village Draria – photo: Sandrine Houalet

Algeria is home to roughly 550,000 orphaned children who have lost either one or both of their parents. A large number of these children grow up without parental protection and care or in dysfunctional family structures. Social exclusion, poverty and a lack of family support drive thousands of children into criminal clutches. Orphaned children are particularly vulnerable to all forms of exploitation.

According to reports, child abuse remains a widespread problem in Algeria. Many cases go unreported and implemented laws against child abuse have led to very few prosecutions. Education in Algeria is generally free and compulsory for all children up to the age of 16.

High unemployment and comparatively high school drop-out rates among the country's children and young people means that many turn to juvenile delinquency. Most of the children who engage in child labour do not go to school and consequently don't receive basic education.

Being a street child in Algiers often means a life on the brink of death. Violence, starvation and drug abuse mark the daily reality of these children. The country's infant mortality rate has noticeably improved over the last decade. However, at 29 per 1,000 live births it is still around seven times higher than that of Austria. Six per cent of Algerian children are born underweight.

Upon a decision by the national authorities, SOS Children’s Villages has ceased its activities in Algeria until further notice.

In December 2022, the Algerian Red Crescent has taken over the supervision of the SOS Children's Village in Draria and is now solely responsible for the care of the children and young people under its care.

SOS Children's Villages International is closely working with the Government to study together what the future of SOS Children's Villages in Algeria might be.