Vi er i Namibia

Vi er i Namibia

Some facts about Namibia

Children at play - photo: B. Dimbleby
Children at play (photo: B. Dimbleby)

The Republic of Namibia is a large and sparsely populated country in South-West Africa. The total population of Namibia is approximately 2 million and its capital city is Windhoek, home to 340,000.

In 1990, Namibia became an independent nation. Since then, it has enjoyed relative stability. Namibia is a middle-income country with a market economy that is driven by the following sectors: agriculture, mining, fishing and tourism.

Malnutrition and diseases take their toll

Situation of the children in Namibia

Helping in the kitchen - photo: M. Gordon
Helping in the kitchen  (photo: M. Gordon)

SOS Children's Villages in Namibia

SOS Children's Village Association of Namibia
P.O.Box 23134
9000 – Windhoek
tel. +264-61-22 24 57
fax +264-61-22 40 85 

Villages in Namibia

  1. Ondangwa
  2. Tsumeb
  3. Windhoek