Khajuri Kalan

Many children with disabilities continue to be socially marginalised

Personalised care means that children are given a good start in life (photo: SOS archives).
According to UNICEF, there are around 150 million children with disabilities in the world. The number in developing countries is higher than in developed ones. Although there is a lack of reliable data regarding the number of Indian children with disabilities, some estimates suggest that approximately six to ten per cent of children in India are born with a disability.

Many of these disabilities are preventable if mothers are provided with better prenatal and postnatal medical care, given advice on nutrition and have access to food and safe drinking water. However, early intervention measures are not always available, especially to those living in poverty. Adolescents and young people are at risk of acquiring disabilities due to work-related injuries or risk-taking behaviour. Children with disabilities are vulnerable to exploitation, trafficking or abuse.

In spite of the growing disability rights movement, people with disabilities in India continue to be socially stigmatised. They are more likely to be illiterate and have fewer employment opportunities than the general population.

Sadly, families with a child with disabilities often see him or her as a burden, and this leads to an increased social marginalisation of the child, who is not given the opportunity to live a dignified life. A significant proportion of children with disabilities do not attend school. The rate among children with particular disabilities is extremely high, for example more than 60 per cent of six-to-thirteen-year-olds with multiple disabilities and almost half of those with mental disabilities in the same age group do not attend school. There is limited aid for families to send their child with disabilities to school. Furthermore, schools are not always adapted to the needs of children with disabilities and there are limited technological aids to help them with their learning.

Providing children with disabilities with love and special support

SOS Children's Villages India had been asked many times to start a project for children with disabilities. There was a shortage of organisations which supported children with mental or physical disabilities, so we designed a special programme. The government of the state of Madhya Pradesh provided a piece of land, which is about 40 km from the town of Bhopal.

What we do in Khajuri Kalan